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   KirstyE's Magikal Bonanza


KirstyE distributed her instruction, in free sheet form, to the disabled; the result of an inspired idea, to overcome self-esteem and confidence issues, access creativity and build a group through ceremony, something she had found helpful.

KirstyE has kindly agreed to her work being posted here, but she would like to note that she no longer runs the group, but she remains open to supporting others with their journey. 

KirstyE has included part of her 'Spiritual Inspiration' series, to assist with the course, particularly the first lesson.


Magikal Practices for Beginners

Week 1 - Daily practices designed to prepare your mind set

Welcome to week one of my course.  Relax, don’t worry, there will be some activities, but I will begin slowly and easily.  If you dedicate yourself to trying out and then developing the activities, you will see the full benefit of the course.

Plan to spend time every day in a dedicated state of spiritual focus.  Be honest with yourself about your own dedication, patience and responsibilities.  Decide on a period of time you intend dedicating to practice.  This can be as little as five minutes.  Remember that this can be increased over time.  At this point you simply need to make a decision to dedicate yourself daily, for a chosen length of time and act upon it every day.  If you manage to stick to it and desire to increase the time, you may do so.  If you find that you cannot stick to your increased time, revert back to the shorter time.  Do not feel disheartened, just because you are not ready yet does not mean you never will be.  Never compare your journey to those taken by others, know that you will reach your own purpose in your own time and that this is right for you.

Take little spirit breaks throughout the day.  I would suggest at least three a day.  In time these can take the form of reading tarot and talking to guides, but for now these can be as simple as lying down in a quiet room with your eyes closed, or going into your garden and sitting in stillness, consciously noticing the plants and animals.

Your practice must always feel supportive to you and never like a chore.  If the practice feels like a chore know that it is wrong.  Hone your intuitive skills by knowing this to be the case and act upon it by changing the practice or dropping that part of it, in the full knowledge that there are many ways to discover the magic within you and to build its power, you do not need to use them all but know that; all roads will lead to the same discovery for you.  Likewise, do not focus on perfection, focus on being present.  Let go of expectation and follow whatever path you are drawn to follow; this is right for you. 

Get a journal and write down all the bad things you have done or thought, be honest with yourself.  In a metal pan, cauldron if you have one, set fire to these pages, under a waning moon and forgive yourself.  Speak out loud that you forgive yourself, because only you can forgive yourself and it have any real meaning in the scheme of things.   Remember to always hold a place of gratitude in your heart for things that challenge you, remember that they are valuable lessons on your journey.  Now, accept yourself as you are, accept things as they are and begin from there, right here, right now, there is no perfect time, this is it!  You will be an active co-creator in your life by using your spiritual practice to focus your intentions.


You will use the remainder of your journal to note down any dreams you have, or any coincidences or déjà vu you notice.  In time to come, you will read this back and it will have great meaning to you and will aid in your development.  It is also a good idea to note down any practices you try which have had great meaning to you, effectively you will be working toward beginning your grimoire – you will see in time. 

Each day, upon waking, try to think of five things you are grateful for, name them, think about them.  This will build intention and bring more wanted things into your life.  You attract what you think about.  You need not be grateful for winning the lottery, you can be grateful for the animal who has chosen to benefit your life with its society and affection.  If you can think of nothing to be grateful for, or if you are having difficulty thinking of five things, always choose to be grateful for the opportunity to learn more. 

Drink water with two spoonful's of apple cider vinegar added to it, to detox daily.  Moisturise and use face masks.  Use a colon cleanse when you feel sluggish, to detox. 

Nourish your body with healthy thoughts and nourish your inner self by choosing how you feel about a situation.  Remember that it isn’t our responsibility to nourish everyone.  Look at everyone and everything with love and they will look at you in the same way.  If you have a bad day, realise that darkness is not bad, it is part of the whole, as is the light, both are a necessary part of life. 

Wear appropriate colours:

White – helps you to stay strong

Pink – helps you to have compassion for others and for others to have compassion for you

Gold – helps you to be honest with yourself and others

Yellow – helps you gain confidence, joy, success and courage

Green – helps you to heal

Blue – gives you an increase in energy

Purple – helps you to connect with spirit

You must learn to notice your breathing, show curiosity for it.  Try to appreciate mundane sounds, extend it to mundane events.  When you learn to be curious and attentive to your breathing, extend this to all things in your life.  Remember to be kind to yourself and others, including all animals.  Get out of the need to multi-task, try to train yourself to efficiently complete and switch tasks.  Focus your mind and deal with things as they arise, don’t procrastinate, or avoid things.  Recognise your emotions as they arise, name them, know that it is okay to feel, don’t feel bad, let it go and move forward.  If you make a mistake learn from it, let any bad feeling leave you, feel good that you have learned, a positive experience.  Try not to rush, savour each experience, enjoy.  If you feel low take time to remember all the good things about yourself, think about them, name them, remember them.  Wish yourself happiness, wish someone you love happiness, wish someone you are indifferent to happiness, wish someone you dislike happiness and then wish the world and all its creatures happiness.  All of this will rewire and improve your brain

You must learn to care for yourself as a whole – mind, body and soul.  Sit and stand straight.  Walk with purpose.  At night time, light a candle and stretch.  Exercise, do yoga and ensure you sleep enough.  Wash your face twice in the morning, twice in the evening and anytime you sweat.  Give yourself a manicure and pedicure; scrape your feet, push back the cuticles, rinse and moisturise afterwards.  Bathe with water, Epsom salts and lavender. 

To improve your intuition, have someone hide something, focus your mind and find it.  In your mind, imagine yourself handing the object to the person and them hiding it, imagine yourself searching for it.  With practice, you will find that the place you are drawn to, the first place that comes to mind is the correct place. 

To improve your psychic abilities, in the evening, try to remember full details of your day, remember small details, and remember smells.

I ask that you try each of these activities for at least one week and you will begin to find your own direction.  Note down, in your journal, the activities from which you have gained the most effect and connection. 

I hope that you have enjoyed week one of this course.  I look forward to welcoming you to week two.  If at any time you have any further questions, or require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am always here to assist you with your journey.

Magikal Practices for Beginners

Week 2 - Build and prepare your altar 

Welcome to week two of my course.  Relax, don’t worry, there will be some activities, but just as last week, we will be following a slow and easy pace, because you will be expected to combine your new practices with your previously acquired practices.  If you dedicate yourself to maintaining your daily practice, as well as trying out and then developing the new activities, you will see the full benefit of the course. 

This week will be relatively relaxed in terms of the course.  You will be required to do a lot of research about your own personal deity in order to appropriately complete this week’s lesson.  I am here to give advice if you find yourself stuck. 

To build an appropriate altar you require a surface which will not be used for anything else.  This should be placed in a respectful area, where it will not be disturbed or ridiculed.  Some deities prefer to be near water or near a door, so make sure you research this.  Your altar should ideally have a cloth to cover it.  Again, deities often have a colour preference, so ensure you research this.  Your altar should have pictures of your favoured ancestors on it.  You should put a statue, painting or print of your deity on the altar, at the centre back.  Your altar will require the elements earth, water, fire and air.  These are often represented by soil, or crystals (earth), a glass or cup of water (water), a lit candle (fire) and incense (air).  You will now require offerings for your ancestors and deities.  You can give ancestors what they enjoyed in life.  As regards deities, their needs vary; you will have to research them.  You can keep your journal, course work, herbs, candles, anything related here.  Treat it as a sacred space and it becomes one. 

If you cannot find information pertaining to your deity here are some catch all things you can use:






A small serving of the food you will be eating


Prayer beads


You can also use anything you are drawn to use. 

Place a mirror with your ancestor pictures.  Wash the mirror in salt water and face it toward the pictures.  Ask the ancestors to assist you.

When you have everything in place, you need to do further research of your deity.  Find some prayers written for them.  If you cannot find a prayer specifically for them, you can write your own, read an appropriate song, and speak from the heart.

You will now perform a short ceremony to activate your altar.

Light a candle and a sage stick.  Sage your altar and everything on it, by wafting the sage stick around everything, in a clockwise direction.  Put the sage stick down and kneel in front of your altar.  Invite your ancestors and deities to join you, connect with you through this altar, and treat it as one of their many homes.  Read your prayers to them, speak to them from the heart, and ask them to look favourably upon you.  Place your offerings. Stare at the image of your ancestor, or your God and repeat their name over and over again, close your eyes, relax and await a message from them. Thank your ancestors and deities by name and leave.  Allow the candle and incense to burn down and ensure you clean up afterwards.  Your altar is now ready for use. 

Note down, in your journal, any messages you receive during the altar consecration process.  Write down, in your journal, anything you learn about your deities or ancestors. 

I hope that you have enjoyed week two of this course.  I look forward to welcoming you to week three.  If at any time you have any further questions, or require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am always here to assist you with your journey.

The Waning Moon, 2016.jpg

Magikal Practices for Beginners

Week 3 - Prayers and practices

Welcome to week three of my course.  Relax, don’t worry, there will be some activities, but just as last week, we will be following a slow and easy pace, because you will be expected to combine your new practices with your previously acquired practices.  If you dedicate yourself to maintaining your daily practice, as well as trying out and then developing the new activities, you will see the full benefit of the course.

Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor, take a deep breath and count to four, hold your breath and count to four, breathe out, counting to eight – you just spent sixteen seconds in meditation.  Do this four or five times, return your breathing to normal and now listen to the sounds surrounding you, smell the scents surrounding you.  Turn your attention to yourself, how do you feel, listen to your mind and what it has to tell you.  Finally, bring your mind back to where you are, feel the things around you.  You may feel a little foggy, even ecstatic.

Alternatively read any of the prayers noted, any you are drawn to, or a prayer of your own choosing before and after a meditation.  Meditate on the prayer; let it reveal its meaning to you. Say the prayer twice a day for forty days, for maximum effect.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us,

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:

And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:

Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:

The third day he rose again from the dead:

He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God; the Father Almighty:

From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:

I believe in the Holy Ghost:

I believe in the holy Catholic Church: the communion of saints:

The forgiveness of sins:

The resurrection of the body:

And the life everlasting.


Adoration to You, Het-Hert, Mistress of Iunet,
the August One in the Sanctuary of the August One.
The One Shining as Gold in the Sanctuary of Gold,
the Atenet, eldest child of the Aten.
I adore Your Majesty with Your heart’s desire,
I exalt Your Ka to the height of Nut.
I praise Your Manifestation to the limits of the rays of the Aten;
I serve Your Majesty in Your shrine.
The Powerful One, the Great One, Mistress of Fear,
Great of Terror among the Netjeru.
The Horizon-Dweller, Mistress of Heaven,
the Brilliant One who creates the rays of the sun;
the Netjeru rise early in the morning to pay You homage.
Your beautiful face is satisfied by the King of
Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands,
beloved of the Great Het-Hert, Mistress of Iunet, the Eye of Ra.

Beloved Bast, mistress of happiness and bounty, twin of the Sun God,

Slay the evil that afflicts our minds as you slew the serpent Apep.

With your graceful stealth anticipate the moves of all who perpetrate cruelties and stay their hands against the children of light.

Grant us the joy of song and dance, and ever watch over us in the lonely places in which we must walk.

Exalted art thou on thy throne, O Osiris!

Thou hast heard fair things, O Osiris!

Thy strength is vigorous, O Osiris!

Thy head is fastened on thy body, O Osiris!

Thy neck is made firm, O Osiris!

Thy heart is glad, O Osiris!

Thy speech is made effective, O Osiris!

Thy princes rejoice Thou art established the Bull in Amentet.

Thy son Horus hath ascended thy throne, and all life is with him.

Millions of years’ minister unto him, and millions of years hold him in fear.

The Company of the Gods are his servants, and they hold him in fear.

The god Tem, the Governor, the only One among the gods, hath spoken, and his word passeth not away.

Horus is both the divine food and the sacrifice.

He made haste to gather together the members of his father.

Horus is his deliverer.

Horus hath sprung from the essence of his divine father and from his decay. He hath become the Governor of Egypt.

The gods shall work for him, and they shall toil for him for millions of years.

He shall make millions of years to live through his Eye, the only one of its lord, Nebertcher.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare (O Lord, O energy of the Lord, please engage me in your service). 

Earth, water, fire and air

Within me all things are there

Flesh on my bones is like the earth

It’s soft but strong and full of worth

The blood that flows within my veins

Is like the ocean, river and rain

My spirit soars and takes me higher

Here is where I keep my fire

My breath and thoughts are like the air

I can do everything and go anywhere

Earth, water, fire and air

Within me all things are there

And so, I pledge unto myself

Power, love, health and wealth

Note down, in your journal, any messages you receive during your prayers and practices.  Write down, in your journal, anything you learn about the prayers.


I hope that you have enjoyed week three of this course.  I look forward to welcoming you to week four.  I hope that you are filled with anticipation and excitement to join me.  If at any time you have any further questions, or require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am always here to assist you with your journey.

Magikal Practices for Beginners

Week 4 - Working with nature

Welcome to week four of my course.  Relax, don’t worry, there will be some activities, but just as last week, we will be following a slow and easy pace, because you will be expected to combine your new practices with your previously acquired practices.  If you dedicate yourself to maintaining your daily practice, as well as trying out and then developing the new activities, you will see the full benefit of the course.

Animals are very important.  They all have a job to do and they all have skills, some of which you may not have yourself.  You will observe animals, these can be pets, or wild animals.  You will simply observe them, without interaction and you will take note.  Notice how they go about their day, notice how they resolve problems, notice how they entertain themselves without the aid of a TV, notice how they know what time it is without the aid of a clock, notice the animals and really think about them, develop an admiration for them, know that you can learn from them. 

Approach a tree you are drawn to and take a small twig and leaf from it.  Remember to say thank you.  Put the things you collect into a bowl of water and leave it for nine days.  When the days have elapsed, using your left hand, use a shell to pick up a little water from the bowl.  With your finger mark an X on all the chakra points saying; by the power of this blessing I will grow stronger.  Any water which is left in the shell must be poured over the head, repeating the same words.  Do this every day until the water runs out. 

If it rains before 7am, the rain will cease before 11am.  If it fails to stop, it will rain for several days.  If you see a halo around the sun, it means that the rain will soon stop.  If there is a halo around the moon, it means that it will rain for a long time, within three days.  If the moon is large and golden, it means that there will be a period of warm weather, but if the moon is small and silver it will be cold.  If the stars are small and blink, it will be windy.  If the birds become quiet and the dog rearranges its bed, thunder and lightning is on its way. 


To bring love – rose, patchouli, jasmine

To give you fire – ginger root

To help work on new things – catnip, lemon balm, damiana

To make your home peaceful – motherwort, lavender, flax seed

If you mix your chosen herbs with one cup of natural sea salt and half a cup of almond oil, you will have a salt scrub, which you can use for bathing. You can also make herbal tea.  You can also make oils for your future spells:  put the herbs in a small plastic bag and gently but firmly bruise them with a kitchen mallet.  Pour one cup of almond oil into a clear jar and place the herbs inside.  Cap this tightly and place it in a warm, sunny place for 24-48 hours, shake it a few times a day.  You can also make medicine with herbs.  If you have a cough, mix honey, onion, cayenne pepper, black treacle, yarrow and garlic, take two teaspoons each evening.  For headaches mix sage, marjoram, rosemary and thyme, pour hot water over them and drink this as a tea. 

Eat fresh, organic foods.  Don’t eat animals.  Drink coconut milk. 

Lay on the grass and sun gaze.  To do this effectively, without risking blinding yourself, you should look slightly above the sun, with your eyes closed, you will still receive enough light and it will empower you. 

Find a stone and hold it, meditate or relax with it and fill it full of good thoughts.  When you have done this, bury it in the earth and give the earth thanks for supporting your existence. 

In autumn try to catch an oak leaf before it reaches the ground.  Put the leaf in your purse and it will never be empty. 

An interesting observation relating to humans relates to their relationships.  You will notice that relationships, like everything else, find their basis in Earth, wind, fire and water.  The best relationships are found between fire and water or earth and air, but the longest relationships are found between Earth and water or fire and air.

Fire people – wide shoulders, long torso, narrow hips, short legs, firm flesh, domineering, aggressive, always on stage

Water people – narrow shoulders, short torso, long legs, wide hips, consistent, dedicated, dependable, generous

Earth people – thick set, resilient, social, sense of humour, agreeable, practical

Air people – narrow, no waist, social critic, least social, dour, clinical, thinker

This applies to any relationship, anything involving people.  Note these things down and make your own observations.

When you come across a place where water comes from the earth leave an offering, say a prayer of thanks and ask the water spirits to bless you with good fortune. 

I ask that you try each of these activities for at least one week and you will begin to find your own direction.  Note down, in your journal, the activities from which you have gained the most effect and connection. 

I hope that you have enjoyed week four of this course.  I look forward to welcoming you to our final week; week five.  If at any time you have any further questions, or require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am always here to assist you with your journey.

Magikal Practices for Beginners

Week 5 - Spells 

Welcome to week five of my course, our final week.  Relax, don’t worry, there will be some activities, but just as last week, we will be following a slow and easy pace, because you will be expected to combine your new practices with your previously acquired practices.  If you dedicate yourself to maintaining your daily practice, as well as trying out and then developing the new activities, you will see the full benefit of the course.

Focus on your intention and make a vision board.  Focus on your intention mentally as you cut out or draw pictures representing your desires, stick them to a board in any way you choose to, be creative.  When you have completed your board go outside barefoot, under a waxing moon, hold the board up in one hand, while taking deep breaths, focus your mind and emotions on your intentions.  Now, breathe out deeply, releasing all doubt and as you breathe in deeply, feel energised and state;

Thank you, Universe, for helping to put me on the path to my goals

I want more (the emotion) through (the things you want)

Show me the best path for me to achieve my goals

I’m ready to do it!

Now feel roots growing through your feet into the earth.  Put your board on display and look at it every day. 

To sweeten a situation of any kind, we can use sugar.  The effects of sugar do not last long, but they work fast. 

Put a piece of paper with the name of the person or situation written on it inside the sugar container.  Rub rose oil all over your candle and then roll it in sugar.  Burn the candle on top of the container.  For maximum effect, burn seven candles, one each day.  During the entire process, you must keep your intention in mind.  Once complete, keep your container in a secret place for example, underneath your altar.  You can now shake and mediate with the container each day. 

Alternatively, you can cook with the sugar and feed the food to people whom you wish to affect, or for more generalised wishes, such as good relations between family and/or friends, use the container as a sugar bowl and leave it for people to use for cereal and drinks and it will have the required effect. 

If you need to unlock an aspect of yourself or your life, place a key inside a jar of sugar, turn it once, visualising your situation unlocking and then seal it.  Burn a candle on top of the jar each day for seven days and then keep it in a private place. 

Take a piece of paper and write your desire on it, shove this into a jar of sugar, as far as it will go, so that it is completely covered in sugar.  Shake this daily, whilst visualising your desired outcome.

If you have lost touch with someone, write their name on a piece of paper and shove it into a jar of sugar.  Shake this daily whilst talking to the person, as if they are with you and they will soon return. 

Using a pencil, carve the phrase; Open the Way, down one side of a candle.  On the other side, carve your name.  Roll your candle in sage oil and put it in a candle holder.  Take a piece of paper and write; Open the Way, on it.  Write your name above and below the phrase.  Dab sage oil in each corner, fold it and place it underneath the candle holder.  Light the candle and say:

With guidance and blessings from the universe

May the roads open before me, all blocks cleared

And always lead me to happiness and success

Let the candle burn down. 

If you wish to read tea leaves, once you have had your drink, swirl the remnants around three times, anti-clockwise, turn the cup upside down onto a saucer and turn the cup on the saucer in the same way.  We read the leaves as a spiral, working anti-clockwise from the handle and around the rim, then the middle and then the bottom.  The symbols nearest the rim are the events which will happen first.  The larger the symbol, the greater its impact will be.  Numbers represent time.  Dots represent money.  Lines represent movement.  A pyramid suggests that you should concentrate on the spiritual.  There are many books written about reading signs, you may buy these if you wish, but I put it to you that the above examples are obvious, or will become obvious to you if you choose to develop your skill.  People vary, lives vary and so it follows that readings vary.  Identify your skill and develop it.  You do this by using your intuition.  Make a note of this in your journal and note when you are/were right, you will find that your gift strengthen over time. 

If you are paying a bill always do so with gratitude.  Remember that you have to spend money in order to receive it.  When paying a cashier say to yourself; thank you, please return to me tenfold.  Keep a loadstone in a bowl, in your home, feed it with glitter and a few coins.  Explain to the loadstone that it is there to attract money.  When you leave the house, take one of the coins and explain that you are taking it in order to attract money, but you will return the coin to the bowl when you come back.  When you are out, if you notice a coin on the floor, if it is heads up pick it up, if it is tails up turn it toward you three times, in order to train it to come to you and then pick it up.  When you go home put it in your bowl, with the coin you took out of the bowl earlier and say thank you.  In time, larger amounts of money will come to you. 

Prayers should be said during the cooking process and before you proceed eating.  Food can be charged with any intention, or you can simply give thanks.

If you have a decision to make pick a colour to represent each option, state your choices and colours out loud and ask to be shown the colour of the decision you should make; notice which colour appears in your dreams, or throughout the day.  Set a time limit to receive the information and state this too.  Remember that no sign IS a sign. 

I ask that you try each of these activities for at least three weeks and you will begin to find your own direction.  Note down, in your journal, the activities from which you have gained the most effect and connection.

I hope that you have enjoyed week five of this course, as well as the course as a whole.  I would like to wish you well on your future path.  If, at any time, you have any further questions, or require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I am always here to assist you with your journey.

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